I guess I'm not the only one, because Kerre decided that having everybody model, unwrap, make textures for, skin, rig and animate TWO character by the end of NEXT WEEK (we started this whole thing LAST week... er.. well ok to be fair he told us what to expect at the beginning of the quarter, but he hadn't really covered any sort of character modeling techniques which kinda stinks) that we could have some options.
Turn in the final as earlier assigned.
He was just going to cover some more rigging/modeling stuff... but we have to participate.
Hey man... I can live with that. Big!Kanon's still just a floating head. I really want him to look awesome and I can't do that when I'm worrying about not only Big!'s modeling, texturing, skinning, rigging, and animating but Little!'s too.
That was really nice of Kerre.
Speaking of models, here's an update on Little!Kanon (since Big!Kanon's been getting most of the attention lately I spent some time on Little!Kanon.):

I'm debating whether I want his legs to sprout from the body or just rest up against it.
ALSO! I've got the flash game all finished. :D
It can be found on my deviantArt.com account.