Made a character for a role playing board that a girl at my school is trying to get running:
Ethereal LightsSo the species name and home planet are her's, everything else came from my head. :B
Species: Crittal
Gender: Male
Age: 250 years+1 day
Adsam is very reserved, but not in the whole "I am a cold and heartless bastard, I don't want you to talk to me" kind of way. His is more of a "I want to see everything and weigh all my options before I form an opinion" reserved. He comes from a militaristic family, he takes orders well and carries them out with as much precision as crittally possible. Adsam is also loyal, first to his family then to his duties, and will stand unwavering by his higher-ups through hell or high water. He also adores his female litter-mate (the closest thing to the word "sister" his culture of people use), Ipsim.
Appearance and Clothing:
• Hair:
His body is covered in short dark gray fur, it grows longer in some areas like the top of his head, along his jaw, down his spine, and the bottom side of his tail nub.
• Face:
An interesting mixture between feline and turian (from Mass Effect [url=] Here[/url] for an idea on how he his face moves when he speaks [url=] just without the face mandibles [/url]). He also has your standard yellowish-green eyes.
• Body:
-7' (with ears, 6'7" without)
-168 lbs
He has the dependable build of someone who grew up running drill, but it is also slim enough to fit comfortably in the cockpit of many flying crafts. Adsam's tail was cropped when he was first born. It is a common practice for militaristic families to crop the tails of the babes they've marked for military service. They leave enough tail for balance purposes, but otherwise the tail appendage is considerably shortened. It does not swish around to express his mood, it is purely for balance.
• Clothing:
He always wears the protective full body under armor issued to him by his culture's military. When he is on duty he also dawns the other various protective plates, guards, and helmet.
Weapons and Equipment:
Adsam is required to carry his started pistol at all times. It is a small hand gun that is considered unlethal and is holstered around his hips. He is able to set it from stun to incapacitate and vice versa. When on duty Adsam carries around a much more dangerous rifle like device.
Likes and Dislikes:
• Likes:
He enjoys mind games, long naps out in the shade, and his mother's famous desert rat stew (a thick and meaty dish that is very popular with his culture back on Bellua). He adores his female litter-mate, Ipsim, and enjoys being partnered up with her on missions and such. He finds the human species to be an entertaining creature and will entertain himself by people watching. He also loves his job.
• Dislikes:
Sand cucumbers (a root like vegetable that grew well in the desert area outside of his culture's territory). He dislikes it when grit gets into his under armor and does not like being rushed into making decisions without getting all the available information.
Strengths and Weaknesses:
• Strengths:
Adsam is able to quickly assess the situation and begin to formulate options, the more information he has the more he is able to discern the issue. He has the speed and reflexes that is expected of any soldier in his culture and as far as aim is considered he is above average. He is also good at taking and carrying out orders. He is able to adapt to just about any situation... once he has enough information to do so.
• Weaknesses:
Adsam is weak where magic is concerned. He is able to stimulate his body to heal a little faster than average, but not by much. He is not particularly good with doing things spontaneously. He likes some heads up before the plans change. He is able to cope with situations well enough, but dramatic changes catch him up slightly. He's also not particularly good at standing up against authority.
Magical Powers:
When in a pinch he is able to stimulate his body into healing itself a little, otherwise his magical powers are pretty much dormant.
Born on in a small town along the deserts of Bellua, Adsam was the forth in a litter of five. He and Ipsim's tails were cropped shortly after, marking them as the babes who would be raised for military duties. Another of his litter, Absun, was marked (I suppose one would say "fixed") for a devote and religious life, and the remaining two, Undil the runt and Illiam the red, had their ears cropped. A sign in his culture that marked them for scholars.